Monday 24 November 2014

Girl Online - Zoe Sugg

Hi! So the moment I heard that Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella) would publish a novel I was like: "OMG! I can't wait to read it!"
Having and early delivery, I got my book the 21ste of November, I basically screamed!

I've read the book within 24 hours (I even think it was only 12 hours! I know I'm a crazy book loving person) and it was AMAZING, I have truthfully never read a book with 345 pages in such a short time!

I just kept reading and I couldn't stop because it's such a good story you don't want to do anything else than just read. After finishing my sister and best friend already claimed it to read it themselves.

I can't tell much without spoiling too much, but I really like the way you read the little blogposts that Penny (The main character) posts on her blog. I also like the advise like you should think before you put something online because when it's up, you can't get it back and it will be on forever and the little advise about panic attacks (I don't really know if it our real advise but it helped me with and panic attack I got earlier today).

I love how girls my age can totally picture ourself as Penny (or at just relate to her) and I want to tell so much more but I don't want to spoil it!

The book is a young adult book and just amazing, it's fun and easy to read (As my main language is Dutch I found it fairly easy), the balance between the drama, fun, romance and adventure is pretty good.
SO if you like a good chic-flick that makes you dream a little this is the perfect book for you!
Go order it or go to your near by book store and see if they already sell it so you can get your own copy.

I hope you guys will love it as much as me because I want a sequel on this book so hopefully Zoe will write another one soon!

here all the details to buy the book online:
You can order it on Amazon and on or even for the people in Belgium Standaardboekhandel (I got my book from there, note that this is the original, so the English, version of the book. There will be a translated one somewhere the 23the of Januari)

Love you all A LOT!