Thursday 20 October 2016

Nerve - review

Hiya readers!

No better way to start again as reviewing an an amazing new movie about living life.
No I won't ramble further.

So I can tell you all about the movie and be a trailer, but why would you read my words as 
you can just watch and be in aw of the already made trailer and read my review after that ;)


My opinion:

I loved the movie! Really what do you need more than action, a motorcycle, 
hot actors and a little romance?
There were parts in the movie I was sitting at the tip of my chair or in case of the more risky parts
 I sunk deeper into my cinema chair..

I'll spoil a little for example:

-  Some people have an interesting history,
that creates an interesting turning point
 in the story coming to the end *cough* Ian *cough* ;)

- Don't forget the hackers

- Blindfolded, motorcycle, 100km/h

- Best friend drama

- Ladder between two buildings.

- Player, watcher, prisoner?

Curious what I mean? You like adventure and being reckless with a little hint of romance?
Watch Nerve to find out.

So are you a player or a watcher?

Let me know your thoughts of the movie by commenting bellow.

Little note: movies come out in the cinemas almost 2 months later in Belgium than in America ;)

I love you all