Tuesday 27 December 2016

NEW L'Oréal Masker Pure Clay


Finally it is December, the time of cosy Christmas markets, Christmas trees and a lot more of that Christmassy stuff!
But also the time of the year we stay a lot more inside and can pamper ourselves a lot more often.

So L'Oréal brought out a brand new range of Pure Clay face masks. 

photoby: lorealparisexclusive.be

You have the red one with red algae, this one
exfoliates and evens out the skin.

The second one is the green one with green eucalyptus, this one purifies and makes the skin matter

And the last one, the one I've bought, is the grey one with carbon, this one detoxifies and makes your skin glow.

I really like this clay mask,
you can apply it very smoothly with your fingers and don't need much product to get maximum coverage. 

Instantly it starts drying and when it hardens it becomes harder to smile.
 I've been laughing with my mom about this because we always try to smile,
 which makes you feel the mask really pull at your skin.

After ten minutes you wash it of with warm water, it goes of really smooth so that is nice too. 

photoby: VickyB

After using the mask my skin feels very clean and it glows a little more than usual.

I just really like this mask, it has a nice structure,
 feels great on the skin and overall does what it promises.
I think I'm going to buy the red and maybe the green one too because I really really like them! 

With this little review I leave you guys to have an awesome weekend.

love you all