Tuesday 10 June 2014

How to handle stress (finals!!)

Some of you may have already started, some will start soon and some of you just don't have the stressing days that we call finals or exams (Lucky you!). But well I'm starting very soon so, as professional stress chicken,  I thought I could share some tips to get through those stressful days/weeks.

  • Sleep enough! Everybody tells you this but it's really true! If you slept enough your concentration will be much better and you will process your course much better and you will be way more relaxed when you start your exam.                          

  • Eat healthy! Don't skip breakfast to repeat your course an extra time. If you followed my first tip this needs to be possible, if you do like to repeat it than wake up earlier so you have time enough. Do you like to eat when you're studying? Buy fruit like strawberries, raspberries, grapes,... thing like this you only need to wash and it's ready to eat. You're not hungry anymore, you give your body(but also your breans) energy and it is way more healthier than a pack of crisps.
  •  Leave caffeine filled drink like coffee, energy drinks, soft drinks as much as you can behind. drink water instead, because in these drinks are also a lot of sugars and those (believe it or not) are undermining our concentration. Don't worry you can still drink a glass of it when you need to eat. Extra tip: don't you like to drink just water? Try grenadine, just watch that you don't use to much of it!
  • Take brakes! You always need to take a break to relax. But also do this when you're stuck with something you're studying. Go take a walk, read a book, listen some music, just leave your books for a minute en give your mind a rest and some oxygen. Hard to get back to studying when you took a break? Have somebody around you who reminds you you need to study.
  • Say no to drugs! I don't mean the actually drugs, okay I do mean those drugs also but I in this case I mean the drugs that give you more or better concentration and those things like magnesium; anti-stress like Nervovit and others. Maybe it sounds strange but they can give you black-outs (yes I had black-outs when I using them). 
  • HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF! If you believe in yourself and that you can do it then you'll probably do pretty good, but if you're like 'I can't so this' or 'I'm not smart enough for this' it'll probably go wrong or you'll be so focussed on those thoughts that you forget what you've studied. If you know that you have studied and you've done everything you could, than it will go fine. Just believe in yourself and stay calm.
  1. Extra Tips (for before, during or after your exam): 
  • first read all your questions and start with the one you think is the easiest and work up to the most difficult one. Because then you'll feel more confident because the first one went good and it prevents stressy moments and black-outs. Also if you do the most difficult at the end you maybe have answered more questions and then it isn't that bad that you didn't answered one question. 
  • Make a lot of exercises when you're studying and also make a mini exam of the things you know they are going to ask or just with a lot of exercises. Do these little exams after a short break.
  • And is your exam done? DON'T look at your papers and try to figure out if you did good or bad, just put that course away and leave it. Your exam is done and you can't change a thing! Spend your time on something fun, relaxing or the next course you've exam off.

I hope these tips helped you, if you have some other tips you're always welcome to share them. Hope you guys have great finals and till the next :) x