Monday 23 May 2016

5 Seconds Of Summer @Antwerp

Hi guys!

So 20th of May I went to 5 Seconds Of Summer at Sportpaleis Antwerp with a friend. It was the second time I went to see the show but the first time I had the sound check experience. And although I found that I paid way too much for what it was, it still was an awesome experience.

As usual it started too late (at 17:55 instead of 16:30). In the line I met this awesome girl Byanca and we chatted away like we knew each other for ages! She is such a sweet and cool girl! When it was time for a question we raised our hands. And against all thoughts in Byanca was picked to ask her question so I stood up with her. Suddenly Ashton says “Uhm there is someone who stood up together with you” not really understanding if I was standing up randomly or not, it was so funny! But we had some really good questions, I’ll put them bellow together with the answers (or what I remember from them ;) ) We also met 2 other girls here, Madelon and Imane, they are two of the most awesome girls I’ve met before at a concert! (btw most of the people I meet on concerts are awesome ;) )

  1. What is your favorite slice of pizza? Michael: I eat a really good slice of Hawaii pizza recently. And then they were chatting away about food and that they actually try to be healthy on tour.

  1. What is you favorite song from Green Day (this was asked by a 9 year old girl and that was so cute!) They answered Redundant and Warning I think (Others songs may be possible) and they said the little girl already rocked at her age ;)

  1. What is the most sensitive lyrics for you that you’ve written? Luke answered Vapor, Calum the bridge of Don’t Stop :p and Michael told us it was Jet Black Heart (:
  2. What is the most awkward moment you guys have had? I didn’t hear the answer very well, it was something with Luke telling us he was playing board games on the tourbus in his boxers. They also said that they aren’t embraced of things anymore after all this time because they have had a lot of awkward moments and they always make fools of themselves (in the good funny way). And Michael told us he was sitting there with his pajama pants on stage lol
  1. Favorite song of Don Broco? I think it was Automatic and Nerve (:

  1. What is the difference between what you expected from tour and how the tour is going? This was asked by my new friend Byanca We didn’t really get an answer, they talked about touring and concerts a lot and how exhausting it all is because you are constantly on the go.
  1. What do you think of Belgium? They loved Antwerp, like the chocolate and waffles but they really liked the beer they said! Calum was saying all the different sorts of beer they drank :p

  1. How did you guys became friends? OMG this was asked by the cutest little girl ever! Like the whole room was like “Ohhhhh” She was like 6 years old I think. Again I didn’t hear everything (perks of sitting at the last row haha) But Luke explained that he came later to the school of Calum and Michael so he joined the friendship later and that they became friends with Ashton because he was the only one they knew who could drum and with a drivers license so he could take them everywhere. Ashton also told he came up for Luke. A friend of Ashton, who he was out with, was picking on Luke and Ashton told his friend to stop picking on Luke. Isn’t that cute haha (:
  1. Do you guys shave your knees when you wear ripped kneecaps?They acted shocked and couldn’t stop laughing “No we don’t shave them, I don’t think you can really see it” they said looking at their knees pulling up their shorts a bit ;)

It really was fun to just sit there and listen to what the boys were rambling on about (:

The only thing about Don Broco that I can tell you is that I found a new band to add on my playlist because I’ve only heard 2 songs of them but I loved it! Amazing atmosphere! I was too late because I was standing at the merchandise for like 40 minutes! It was crazy and hot but I at least got the t-shirt that I wanted haha.

Next up was the show and you really can’t explain it, you need to be there! (but I’ll do my very best ;) )
(the set list will be placed bellow because I write as I remember!)

So they played old and new songs and everyone was enjoying themselves a lot! People at the standing bloc right were dancing, singing along...etc. My friend, Madelon, Imane and I were having so much fun, we totally went for it!
From left to right: My friend Evelien, Imane, Madelon, me

Suddenly Michael was all alone on the stage and you can guess it, he started playing Jet Black Heart. It was such a touching moment, you could really feel how much this meant for him and I had difficulties not to cry as I really connect to this song. It was so power-, beautiful  and gentle at the same time.

They also made a local song again (last year we had “Belgium chocolate”). This year we all went down with laughter of the lyrics: Antwerk, Antwerk, Antwerk, we’ve been twerking in Antwerp. The beat with it was just amazing and it was funny because when Michael asked for a beat he said he wanted something sexy so we could all dance sexy ;) Also in the beginning (the part of “we’ve been twerking in Antwerp” was added later) everyone thought Michael was singing Antwerp but he stopped us and said: no no no it is AntWERK, do you guys get it?” link: Antwerk michael talking at antwerk: Antwerk 2

The last thing I really remember of all the talking is Ashton saying: “Michael looks really happy tonight, look at him! I haven’t seen him so happy on this tour as he is right now!”. So that was really great to hear.

Overall it was again an amazing night at the concert, the boys stay charming and sexy as always and I had a lot of fun, and I think that is one of the most important things if you go to their shows. Not to stand out, or them having seen your singe, but just to have fun and meet new people!

Carry On
Hey Everybody
Voodoo Doll
Don’t Stop
Outer Space
Waste The Night
Jet Black Heart
Beside You
Catch Fire
End Up Here
Good Girls
Twerking in Antwerp
Permanent Vacation
What I Like About You (the romantics cover)
She’s Kinda Hot
She Looks So Perfect