Monday 24 November 2014

Girl Online - Zoe Sugg

Hi! So the moment I heard that Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella) would publish a novel I was like: "OMG! I can't wait to read it!"
Having and early delivery, I got my book the 21ste of November, I basically screamed!

I've read the book within 24 hours (I even think it was only 12 hours! I know I'm a crazy book loving person) and it was AMAZING, I have truthfully never read a book with 345 pages in such a short time!

I just kept reading and I couldn't stop because it's such a good story you don't want to do anything else than just read. After finishing my sister and best friend already claimed it to read it themselves.

I can't tell much without spoiling too much, but I really like the way you read the little blogposts that Penny (The main character) posts on her blog. I also like the advise like you should think before you put something online because when it's up, you can't get it back and it will be on forever and the little advise about panic attacks (I don't really know if it our real advise but it helped me with and panic attack I got earlier today).

I love how girls my age can totally picture ourself as Penny (or at just relate to her) and I want to tell so much more but I don't want to spoil it!

The book is a young adult book and just amazing, it's fun and easy to read (As my main language is Dutch I found it fairly easy), the balance between the drama, fun, romance and adventure is pretty good.
SO if you like a good chic-flick that makes you dream a little this is the perfect book for you!
Go order it or go to your near by book store and see if they already sell it so you can get your own copy.

I hope you guys will love it as much as me because I want a sequel on this book so hopefully Zoe will write another one soon!

here all the details to buy the book online:
You can order it on Amazon and on or even for the people in Belgium Standaardboekhandel (I got my book from there, note that this is the original, so the English, version of the book. There will be a translated one somewhere the 23the of Januari)

Love you all A LOT!

Monday 22 September 2014

If I Stay

I think I found another movie that can make me cry

If I Stay is a beautiful drama movie that can make you cry, not everyone will cry at the same point but even I had a moment when I had it difficult. The moment when the grandpa says it's okay to let go just made me feel sad again and brought me back a few years ago to something that has happened in my own life.

The Story:

If I Stay is a movie about a girl, Mia (Chloe Grace Moretz). Her family decided to go visit her grandparents after they get free from school and work due a snow day. They get involved in a big car accident and Mia ends up in a coma. In the movie they switch between the present and things that happened in the past like her meeting Adam (Jamie Blackley ), having a big fight with Adam, auditioning for Julliard

When they are in the present you can see everything how Mia sees it as her character is just there as a kind of ghost, she walks with people to places and she sees herself in the hospital bed. She experiences everything as if she is right there, only the people around her can't see or hear her.

My opinion:
I find the sad thing in the story is that Adam comes to the hospital right away when he heard what happened but that they won't let him near Mia because she's on intensive care. As you may or may not know only family members are allowed. 

I want to tell you more about the story but I'm afraid I will say too much! So if this was enough to convince yourself to see the movie I'm glad, otherwise I just highly recommend you to. Yeah also with your boyfriend as there are parts you could just snuggle up to him or cry.

Thanks for reading
Till the next

Wednesday 10 September 2014


O my god, to be honest with you, I kinda feel a little bit stupid after watching this movie...
Lucy is such a great action movie I ate all my popcorn without noticing.

The Story:

Lucy goes about a woman that accidentally gets involved in a drug deal. They put a package in her stomach but as she is at the place where they need to get it out, something goes wrong and the package starts leaking. Soon enough Lucy realizes it is not a normal drug and her brain use increases.
She finds a professor, from who she knows that a human being mostly only uses 10% of the brain, who she tells what is happening.
But what happens when Lucy brain usages gets up to the full 100%?

My Opinion:

Lucy is a great thriller movie and really gives you something to be amazed or think about after you walk out of the cinema. Having Scarlett Johansson as Lucy is just a perfect match in the movie as Lucy turns out to be a little more fierce than in the beginning.

I really can recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good action movie (as I liked it and I'm getting more and more picky on good action movies ;) ). It's really low on drama and love, barely in this movie, and it's really refreshing and different from all the other action/thriller movies I've seen.

thanks for reading
till the next

Wednesday 16 July 2014

5 Seconds Of Summer

After going to the store 3 times, I finally have it! The 5 Seconds Of Summer deluxe Cd :)

After touring with One Direction, the releases from their EP's 'She Looks So Perfect' and 'Don't Stop' and the release off their lyric video of Amnesia, they FINALLY released their own album called:
 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Knowing the hit songs She Looks So Perfect and Don't Stop that are really pop/rock songs, the album is suprisingly more rock than pop. Also with some nice slow ballets, like Amnesia, the album is perfect for just letting everything out.
 I found some messages trough the song (for everyone this is different, not everyone thinks the same about what they are singing) like you don't need to let your happiness depends on others, live your life without regrets because everything happens with a reason and be the person you want to be and don't who they suppose you to be.
Some songs or the beat of them are already stuck in my mind because earlier this week I busted myself, and my sister because I totally brain washed her, on humming Social Casualty.

Rock Out With Your Socks Out
After the release of the album the great new of an upcoming tour was announced and soon enough I got my mail for the fansale/presale. Not going to discus about the password that didn't work in some countries (haha you should have seen twitter xD) I was able to get my hands on some standing places upfront for my sister, friend and I. Being surprised that the ticket sale was this early I'm happily counting down to the 21st of May when they'll perform in Belgium.

About The Boys
5 Seconds Of Summer aka 5sos is an Aussie pop/rock-punk band.
Formed in 2011 in Sydney, the band consist Luke Hemming (lead vocals&guitar), 
Michael Clifford (vocals&guitar), 
Calum Hood (vocals&bass guitar) 
and Ashton Irwin (drums&vocals) 
Little fact about Ashton is that he joined the band later than the others and that in the beginning he didn't like the others and the other way around.
Originally they posted some video's on Youtube and soon enough they were Youtube celebrities.
Their international fame rose quickly when One Direction invited them on their Take Me Home tour.
The boys their influences are Blink-182, All Time Low, Green Day, Mayday Parade, Boys Like Girls and Busted.
more info, ticket sale & album:

My conclusion is we can say that 5 Seconds Of Summer is far from the typical boyband we know today like One Direction (No offense they aren't a typical boyband either but you'll probably get me) , with their originality and refreshing songs I think we can label them as a rockband and so not a boyband.

So I won't regret buying this album and my concert tickets because I see a great future for these four Australian friends.

Hope you enjoyed and till the next x

Tuesday 24 June 2014

The Fault In Our Start

The story takes you in to the live of Hazel Grace… with terminal cancer, knowing she would die she only did things to please her parents. When she meets Augustus Waters, the guy whose cancer free for a year, life changes for her. The story takes you away on this romantic journey and makes you think about your life and seriously makes a mess of your emotions.

People who read the book know it’s an emotional rollercoaster and a beautiful love story. Knowing I’ve cried reading the book, and I didn’t finished it (shame on me :o), I didn’t believe it when people who saw the premiere were telling you would cry when seeing this movie. But I need to give them credit because I did cry and almost everyone who was watching too. 
Knowing this is the first movie that made me cry, yes I didn’t cry when seeing titanic, I was blown away about how you can bring those emotions alive on a film screen. The story of Hazel and Augustus made me think about my life and brought up some memories that only made me cry more. I’m going to read the book again and finish it this time.

So if you don’t know what to do this holiday I can highly recommend you to go and watch this amazing movie. Go watch it with some friends or go watch it with your boyfriend who could comfort you. And don’t forget to bring tissues, because you will need them!
(read the book too, you'll love it)

Till the next 

Tuesday 10 June 2014

How to handle stress (finals!!)

Some of you may have already started, some will start soon and some of you just don't have the stressing days that we call finals or exams (Lucky you!). But well I'm starting very soon so, as professional stress chicken,  I thought I could share some tips to get through those stressful days/weeks.

  • Sleep enough! Everybody tells you this but it's really true! If you slept enough your concentration will be much better and you will process your course much better and you will be way more relaxed when you start your exam.                          

  • Eat healthy! Don't skip breakfast to repeat your course an extra time. If you followed my first tip this needs to be possible, if you do like to repeat it than wake up earlier so you have time enough. Do you like to eat when you're studying? Buy fruit like strawberries, raspberries, grapes,... thing like this you only need to wash and it's ready to eat. You're not hungry anymore, you give your body(but also your breans) energy and it is way more healthier than a pack of crisps.
  •  Leave caffeine filled drink like coffee, energy drinks, soft drinks as much as you can behind. drink water instead, because in these drinks are also a lot of sugars and those (believe it or not) are undermining our concentration. Don't worry you can still drink a glass of it when you need to eat. Extra tip: don't you like to drink just water? Try grenadine, just watch that you don't use to much of it!
  • Take brakes! You always need to take a break to relax. But also do this when you're stuck with something you're studying. Go take a walk, read a book, listen some music, just leave your books for a minute en give your mind a rest and some oxygen. Hard to get back to studying when you took a break? Have somebody around you who reminds you you need to study.
  • Say no to drugs! I don't mean the actually drugs, okay I do mean those drugs also but I in this case I mean the drugs that give you more or better concentration and those things like magnesium; anti-stress like Nervovit and others. Maybe it sounds strange but they can give you black-outs (yes I had black-outs when I using them). 
  • HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF! If you believe in yourself and that you can do it then you'll probably do pretty good, but if you're like 'I can't so this' or 'I'm not smart enough for this' it'll probably go wrong or you'll be so focussed on those thoughts that you forget what you've studied. If you know that you have studied and you've done everything you could, than it will go fine. Just believe in yourself and stay calm.
  1. Extra Tips (for before, during or after your exam): 
  • first read all your questions and start with the one you think is the easiest and work up to the most difficult one. Because then you'll feel more confident because the first one went good and it prevents stressy moments and black-outs. Also if you do the most difficult at the end you maybe have answered more questions and then it isn't that bad that you didn't answered one question. 
  • Make a lot of exercises when you're studying and also make a mini exam of the things you know they are going to ask or just with a lot of exercises. Do these little exams after a short break.
  • And is your exam done? DON'T look at your papers and try to figure out if you did good or bad, just put that course away and leave it. Your exam is done and you can't change a thing! Spend your time on something fun, relaxing or the next course you've exam off.

I hope these tips helped you, if you have some other tips you're always welcome to share them. Hope you guys have great finals and till the next :) x

Friday 30 May 2014

DIY: chocolates

Hii guys!

If you're thinking I'm going to give you a recipe to make real chocolate you thought wrong haha :) . I'm going to give you some fun ideas to change a normal chocolate bar into something fun that you and the people around you will like.

So in the summer you probably love to have some ice cubes in your drink. So you have these nice/cute/special plastic forms to have some fun ice cubes. But when summer is over you put them away till next year? Or you have to many forms so you put them away?
No you can, if you really like cold drinks in the winter, use them for ice cubes true out the year but you can also make chocolates with them. Uhu you heart it good, chocolates….

Just by melting the chocolate you can pour it into your nice, cute,… ice cube forms. Nice idea? But sounds difficult? Hell no it’s so easy a 6year old could do it!

Just by choose the chocolate you like the most (white, milk or dark) and break them into pieces and melt them ‘Au Bain Marie’*

When fully melted you pour them into the forms and gently hit the forms to the surface to get possible air bubbles out. You can, if you want, add some sprinkles to make it prettier or tastier.

Now just put them in the fridge for 4h. 
I suggest to make them in the evening and then let them rest in the night, till the next day.

Éh voila you have just made your own cool chocolates ;)

 You can use any ice cube form for this but I recommend to use the once who are flexible so it’s easy to get the chocolate out when it’s hard.

Hope you like it, if you give it a try let me know on twitter or instagram by sending a photo with your result and #chocolats to @VickyBOfficial

* Au Bain Marie is a cooking technique where you fill 1 pan/casserole with water and place a smaller pan/casserole in it where you heat up, in this case, chocolate. This technique is just to prevent something would burn while heating it up.

See ya soon, 

Lots of love