Tuesday 27 December 2016

NEW L'Oréal Masker Pure Clay


Finally it is December, the time of cosy Christmas markets, Christmas trees and a lot more of that Christmassy stuff!
But also the time of the year we stay a lot more inside and can pamper ourselves a lot more often.

So L'Oréal brought out a brand new range of Pure Clay face masks. 

photoby: lorealparisexclusive.be

You have the red one with red algae, this one

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Did you know?

Did you know you can catch the little hearts on messenger?

When somebody sends you a heart or heart sticker,
 you have all these little hearts flying across your screen. 

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor messenger hearts flying across screen

Now try to catch as much as you can by tapping and swirling them around ;) 

have fun, spread the love

love you all 

Thursday 20 October 2016

Nerve - review

Hiya readers!

No better way to start again as reviewing an an amazing new movie about living life.
No I won't ramble further.

So I can tell you all about the movie and be a trailer, but why would you read my words as 
you can just watch and be in aw of the already made trailer and read my review after that ;)


My opinion:

I loved the movie! Really what do you need more than action, a motorcycle, 
hot actors and a little romance?
There were parts in the movie I was sitting at the tip of my chair or in case of the more risky parts
 I sunk deeper into my cinema chair..

I'll spoil a little for example:

-  Some people have an interesting history,
that creates an interesting turning point
 in the story coming to the end *cough* Ian *cough* ;)

- Don't forget the hackers

- Blindfolded, motorcycle, 100km/h

- Best friend drama

- Ladder between two buildings.

- Player, watcher, prisoner?

Curious what I mean? You like adventure and being reckless with a little hint of romance?
Watch Nerve to find out.

So are you a player or a watcher?

Let me know your thoughts of the movie by commenting bellow.

Little note: movies come out in the cinemas almost 2 months later in Belgium than in America ;)

I love you all

Tuesday 11 October 2016

My blog-apologies

Hiya readers,

I must apologize for not updating my articles, pictures or blog in general.

Life took an unexpected turn and I needed time to put everything together again.

But don't be down, soon I'll fire this thing up again and bombard you guys with all kinds of updates like: film reviews, DIY's, cooking recipe's, ...

I apologize again and hope you'll stay and wait just a little longer to continue this story with me again.

Love you all

Sunday 7 August 2016

Summer nail art

It's summer and summer means being happy, enjoying the sun,
having fun with friends. 
With all of this we naturally can't forget to paint our nails pretty summery. 
But instead of that mint colour or fluo pink one, why don't you go for a beautiful piece of art on it?
Bellow I'll walk you through a few of my favourite nail art designs for the summer!

So first up are the strawberries

You'll need:
- dotting tool
- paintbrush
-  White nail polish
- Red nail polish
- Green nail polish

16 Interesting Food Nail Designs to Try: #1. Adorable Strawberry Nail Design:

1. Paint your nails red, you'll probably

Sunday 24 July 2016

DIY Lip Scrub

Ever had that feeling you needed a real good scrub for your lips? 
Well I know I did. 
I'm one of those people that from the moment I drink a glass water less than normally do, my lips get dry and flaky and we girls all know you can't apply lipstick perfectly without good, smooth, soft lips.

So making your own lip scrub like the Lush one isn't hard at all, let's get right to it.

You will need:

- Olive oil or Honey
- Granulated sugar
- Vanilla extract
- Food colouring
- a small container

1. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil with 1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar 
    (if it is too oily add some sugar but be careful because if you add too much the scrub will be too hard for the lips)

2. Now add one or two drop vanilla extract. Add a few drops of food colouring, if you use red don't
use too much as it can stain your lips temporarily so it is better to have a pinkish colour. 

3.To finish put your scrub in a small container. I did mine in a sample container for Lush and it was the perfect size for it.

I prefer to use honey as it is less oily and also really hydrating. To apply it is best to use a cotton or an old toothbrush as the food colouring can stain your finger if is isn't fully absorbed.

I hope you liked it and show me your lip scrubs on social media by @VickyBOffical or the #DIYLipScrub

Love you all 

Sunday 17 July 2016

Rock Werchter 2016


Summer, music, food, fun, friends and no rushing that is for me the description of a festival. Every year with the end of school I start my summer by going to the closet festival in my neighbourhood and that is (you can guess it from the tittle) ROCK WERCHTER.

One of the biggest festivals in Belgium and only a few kilometres from my doorstep. The line up this year was okay, the weather was bad, the festival ground was worse but I had a lot of fun being there for four days in a row.

I'm going to walk through those four days with you guys to show you how my Rock Werchter experience was this year.


Monday 23 May 2016

5 Seconds Of Summer @Antwerp

Hi guys!

So 20th of May I went to 5 Seconds Of Summer at Sportpaleis Antwerp with a friend. It was the second time I went to see the show but the first time I had the sound check experience. And although I found that I paid way too much for what it was, it still was an awesome experience.

As usual it started too late (at 17:55 instead of 16:30). In the line I met this awesome girl Byanca and we chatted away like we knew each other for ages! She is such a sweet and cool girl! When it was time for a question we raised our hands. And against all thoughts in Byanca was picked to ask her question so I stood up with her. Suddenly Ashton says “Uhm there is someone who stood up together with you” not really understanding if I was standing up randomly or not, it was so funny! But we had some really good questions, I’ll put them bellow together with the answers (or what I remember from them ;) ) We also met 2 other girls here, Madelon and Imane, they are two of the most awesome girls I’ve met before at a concert! (btw most of the people I meet on concerts are awesome ;) )

  1. What is your favorite slice of pizza? Michael: I eat a really good slice of Hawaii pizza recently. And then they were chatting away about food and that they actually try to be healthy on tour.

  1. What is you favorite song from Green Day (this was asked by a 9 year old girl and that was so cute!) They answered Redundant and Warning I think (Others songs may be possible) and they said the little girl already rocked at her age ;)

Thursday 31 March 2016

DIY: Pencil case/ money pocket


Back from being gone, (i've been sick for a month and had a lot of work for school therefore) 
but now it is time I think again about you guys and give you some DIY to keep you busy ;)

So the idea to make a pencil case came from hating the regular pencil cases. 
I'm such a difficult person and I didn't want to pay for something I wanted to draw on, pin things on. 
I also had an old jeans that I loved but that didn't fit anymore and 
then I came up the idea to recycle my jeans and 
make my own custom made pencil case.

Don't like or need a pencil case? Well it can be your next beauty bag, a smaller version as money pocket, hair grip collector,... you name it. 

I'll explain step by step how I did it, if you have a easier way for certain steps, let me know so I can try them next time ;)

I hope you like it and you will have a lot of making and using the case :)